Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Re-growing Celery

Next on the list for my windowsill garden is re-growing celery.
I cut off the base of some store bought celery.
Put the base in water.  Note my continued use of ice cream containers.  I set the celery on the windowsill to get plenty of sunshine.

Growth after 1 week.  I have green leaves.  The center of the celery stalk started to sprout after a day or so.  Re-fill with water as needed.  
Growth after 2 weeks.
3 Weeks.
4 Weeks.
After 5 Weeks I decided it was time to plant it.  I cannot keep it going indefinitely in water like green onions.  Celery needs soil to keep on growing.
When the outside stalks started to rot I knew that it was the time to plant it.
I cut some holes in the bottom of yet another ice cream a container for drainage.  We go through a lot of ice cream at my house.
Then planted the celery with some soil and watered it well.  Fingers crossed.  I hope it continues to live.
This is my windowsill garden.  To the left I started another celery plant.  Center is the current one I just planted in soil.  To the right are my green onions, still growing well after about 2 months.

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