Sunday, April 21, 2013

Re-growing Green Onions

Re-growing Green Onions

I have decided to start a windowsill garden.  My Mom is a gardener.  My Dad is a gardener.  Every year that I can remember growing up we had a garden. I hate gardening.  At some point I swore I would never have a garden because I hate weeding, watering, planting, rock picking, pruning, pea picking and shelling, zucchini bread, bugs in my food, dirt in my food, being too cold, too hot, eaten alive by ants, spider bites, and always being dirty and miserable.  I have a lot of hate.  I think I can handle a windowsill garden.  After doing quite a bit of research I stumbled upon what I think is the easiest thing I can grow.  Re-growing green onions.  This is my second attempt.  I failed the first time.  The first set of green onions made the whole house smell like rotting onions and they turned to a grey mush so I threw them out after a few days because I could no longer stand the smell.
I think I cut them too short last time.  This time I cut them longer so a bit of green is still showing at the bottoms.  I bundled them up to keep from floating sideways.
Submerge the roots in water.  Note my continued use of "Talenti" ice cream pint containers.  Blood Orange Sorbet is my new favorite flavor so I have accumulated quite a number of them.  I change the water out every day or every other day.
Growth after 1 week.  Barely enough for a garnish, but they are growing and have not made the house smell like onions yet.
Growth after 2 weeks.  Okay, I think I am good.  I have green onions.  Now I can just cut off as much as I need for my dish and stick them back in water to re-re-grow.
 The roots have also gotten longer.  I almost have my full length green onion back.
Three Weeks.

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