Sunday, April 14, 2013

Brown Sugar

Mom and Dad bought dinner for me last night at Olive Garden.  I was expecting to pay the bill myself and told them that I would,  but they beat me to it.  I was so grateful that I promised Dad I would make one of his favorite cookies for our Sunday Dinner dessert:  Walnut Chocolate Chip.  I hardly ever make them because J does not like nuts.  But he married into a nutty family and I am a nut, just like my Dad.

This is my Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe.  The recipe I grew up with and the only recipe I use for chocolate chip cookies.  See how loved this recipe this.  The book is equally loved nearly to death.
Oh No!  I am almost out of brown sugar.  What to do?  What to do?
Good thing I have white sugar and molasses.
I will just make some brown sugar to use in my cookie recipe.

Dark Brown Sugar

  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 2 Tbs molasses
  • Mix for about 2 min until thoroughly incorporated.

Light Brown Sugar

  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 Tbs molasses
Mix.  Mix.  Mix.
I have brown sugar.
Now I can make cookies.
I made a batch for J without walnuts.
I will never buy brown sugar again.  But more molasses is going on the grocery list this week.

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