Monday, September 24, 2012

This is The Place Civil War

This is the Place Heritage Park August 10 - 11th, 2012 Civil War re-enactment.
We bought a tent.
Look at our nice new canvas period-correct tent.  The first day breaking in our new tent it rained and the wind blew really hard and our lovely white tent got all dirty, but it stayed up.  I have very little outdoors/camping experience so it was very exciting for me to sleep in tent outdoors.  I actually slept pretty well even with the rooster next door crowing his little heart out in the morning.  I grew up with chickens outside my window so I guess it just felt like home.
The fun life of being a soldier.  Lining up and doing drills.
J gets to shoot at stuff.
I was so excited that I got a picture of the muzzle fire while they were shooting blanks.  We also shoot blanks.  We do not want anyone to get hurt so we shoot away from the spectators just in case someone accidentally gets a face full or black powder.  
Lovely ladies fashion.  This is the reason why I do Civil War re-enacting.  I get to play dress up all day.
These are just a few members of our Civil War group, including the littlest re-enactor wearing her first period correct baby clothes.
Camp Life.
J and I being cute.  Thank you to Rachel for taking this photo of us.  J is wearing his new Gambling hat.
I love his new hat.  I also got a new hat for this event.  A Mary Ann Barnard special as I like to call them.  She is our professional hat lady.

We work hard on being cute.
This is my Mom and I wearing hats.  I really appreciate how supportive my parents are of us.  They come to our events and take pictures for me.

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