Monday, June 18, 2012

Fort Douglas Day

 My darling husband J and I do Civil War re-enacting together.  As a hobby.  Just for fun.  This is our Fort Douglas Day June 16th, 2012 celebrating the 150th anniversary of the founding of Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City, Utah.  J sews.  He made both my dress and his uniform.  Yes, I married a very talented man.  We are members of the Utah Civil War Association.  We were asked to represent the California 3rd Infantry which was stationed at Fort Douglas to keep an eye on those dang Mormons.  This period of Utah history, 1857 - 1858 round about, is known as the Utah War.  We like to refer to it as America's first Cold War since nothing really happened.
 Civil War laundresses followed the camp and were paid quite handsomely for washing the soldier's clothes, as much as $2 a day.  The average Civil War soldier only made $13 a month while laundresses could make as much at $40 a month just for washing their clothes.  With Jorden and Kimberly.
 Fort Douglas had an American military history timeline set up with different "War" period camps on the grounds.  Here are our fellows representing the Revolutionary War and Mexican American War.  A good looking bunch of chaps.
 All lined up from Revolutionary War to modern day.

 I do love a man in uniform.
It is not a Gatling Gun, it is an 1875 revolving cannon.  This particular one was featured on the History channel show "Pawn Stars".  They could not come to a deal so he kept it.  I want one.  No, we should get two, one for either side of the yard so it is symmetrical.
Our American Civil War Cannon.
Cannons throughout history.
I just love taking random pictures of Mnt Dew.  Modern day cannons.
This is what happens after the cannons go off.  A 21 gun salute to all the veterans.
We had a lovely time together.  Did I mention that I like cannons?


  1. Great great photos. I agree, you need two of those, I am into symmetry as well!
    Plus, you won't fight over one if you get both.

  2. Very beautiful photos Kim! I wish Mark and I could have come. He still hasn't seen one of the reenactments and he is totally missing out! I hope you are doing well!
